Smart Republic has joined efforts with the leading DXtera Institute of the US to build an ethical EdTech EDUVERSE through the development of a new revolutionary platform for Technological Convergence applied to education (based on AI, VR, AR, Blockchain) named SMART CAMPUS.
Smart Republic is also starting a new complementary flagship project, based in the UK: THE ECOVERSE PLANET, dedicated to youth, ecology, life and music, in order to create THE VIRTUAL ECOVERSE PARK, supported by a new Social Network
Based on an environmentally friendly and futuristic ecosystem, promoting integration between people, land, parks, housing at the service of human communities.
- SmartRepublic is an international company founded in France and the United Kingdom by cross-cultural professionals working in an interdisciplinary way in the field of sustainable development. It gathers specialists and experience from many other countries as well, such as India and Brazil.
- The fields of expertise integrate different disciplines: sustainable economics; ethical finances; sociology; programming; future thinking; urbanism and architecture; systems; engineering; communications and arts.
- Frontier System Research and Interoperability: research on Open Standards in IT to allow systems and networks to work with other systems or networks, in their implementation and access, without restrictions to allow economies of scale (Open Social Networks; communication protocols & cross domain interoperability).
- Frontier Research to promote Artificial Intelligence (AI) synergies with Application Programming Interfaces (API), so to capture adaptative learning processes from Social Networks APIs calls and responsiveness of citizens preferences and trends.
- Applied research on how Blockchain Technologies can help with smart social banking transactions for citizens in emerging countries and territories (speeding cross-border payments; share trading; smart contracts; capture the benefits of transparency and traceability).
- The background of experiences draws from corporate impact investment redesign; United Nations and agencies project participation; ethical finances; COP events and innovative climate forums; the rich tradition of French and European associations; systems engineering and programming research;
- Values and Transparency: we foster ethical values and transparency standards, by promoting Open and explicit Interoperability Agreements (IAO) between networks ( and not IAO by default), and Data Portability for users to facilitate competition.