What We Do


                                                                             OUR PROGRESS – 2025

Smart Republic has joined efforts with the leading DXtera Institute of the US to build an ethical EdTech EDUVERSE through the development of a new revolutionary platform for Technological Convergence applied to education (based on AI, VR, AR, Blockchain) named SMART CAMPUS.
Smart Republic is also starting a new complementary flagship project, based in the UK: THE ECOVERSE PLANET, dedicated to youth, ecology, life and music, in order to create THE VIRTUAL ECOVERSE PARK, supported by a new Social Network
Based on an environmentally friendly and futuristic ecosystem, promoting integration between people, land, parks, housing at the service of human communities.
  • Our Mission & The New Tree Model
    • Smart Republic: the network choice of ethical leaders in search of a new power to do the Good. Because we believe that leaders need a new ethical power to be inter-connected at another level! We have developed a new ethical and multidimensional network. Powered All-in-One by the leaders of the future. This new platform combines top media choices, private room communities and state of the art strategic applications.
    • Our core social business model is based on a new Tree Model and a semantic and synaptic knowledge framework called Smart Republic – Green App (@) which is developed into a platform axed in seven strategic areas of key social services for citizens and communities worldwide. 
    • For each strategic field, we build a Peer’s Community and a tailor made enabling semantic App, that allows that Peer Community to develop an Impact Community
    • These services are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations and intended to help scaling up and reaching out to a critical mass of people in need according to the 2030 agenda and the structural transitions (Green Energy; Technological; Social governance of territories).
    • At the core of the model, is the belief that Global Warming is rooted in a social vicious circle, that needs to be addressed by empowering people and communities through knowledge transfers and technological applications so to transform it in a virtuous and positive circle.The new field for social action is defined as Social Tech and Green Tech, modelled through smart Green and Social Applications (GSA).
    • The specific open tools promoted in this platform are citizen and community driven at micro and territorial level, for Climate Adaptation Sustainable Programmes (CASP). Thus, complementary to Cities Resilience and Climate Mitigation Schemes and of multilateral sponsored platforms such as the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC), sponsored by the World Bank and other multilateral agencies and institutes.
  • Seven Strategic Apps are integrated in the Green App
    • For each of the seven strategic social areas, the interdisciplinary GreenApp team is developing a project for specific and interrelated applications in the field of Green Fintech and Tech for Good, that will be able to run on PCs and mobile phones (I-phones and Android systems).
    • These strategic areas are structured in seven Apps projects developed in partnership with their corresponding Peers community: Smart Campus, with Universities and Students; Impact Sports with sports leaders; Smart Impact Bank, with bankers and investors; Smart Eco-communities, with local networks and municipalities; Smart Health, with doctors and public services ; Smart Media and Online Education, with management schools; Smart Telecoms with Social Impact (Smarter).
  • This framework and platform is supported by integrated technologies and supported by Social Articicial Intelligence (Social AI)


  • Diagram: The Green Social Apps and the Regenerative Semantic Virtuous Cycle